Past Programming

Song Class
Photo by: Kingmond Young

Artist Talk
Photo by: Mensajeros De Paloma

Artist Talk
CINQUE, celebrating the roots of the Afro diaspora in the Caribbean
Join Elio Villafranca, an Afro-Cuban Jazz pianist and composer talk about his latest grammy nominated album.
Photo by: Cynthia Van Elk

Artist Talk
I am a KNOWbody
Join Adia Tamar Whitaker as she discusses her life as a KNOWbody, and celebrates the 20th Anniversary of Àse Dance Theatre Collective.
Week 4: Artist Talk- July 25, 2020
Photo by: Tracie Williams

Dancers living and dancing in Cuba answer the same 5 questions and demo movement that they love and defines them. Dancers hail from Habana, Santiago, & Matanzas
Week 5: Interviews shorts- August 1, 2020
Ballet Photos by: Jason Baldwin

3 Folklore artists discuss what it is like to be an Afro-Cuban artist living and working in the U.S.
Photos by: RJ Muna, Keita Hanyuda

3 Cuban choreographers create performance pieces in which all participants are socially distanced. Dancers hail from Habana, Santiago, & Matanzas.
Week 7: Virtual Performance Videos- August 15, 2020

6 minute collaborations live streamed with local artists from around the Bay Area.

Dance All Day!
Come join us for a full day of workshops with our amazing local master teachers including Tika Morgan, Tainah Damasceno, Royland Lobato, Susana Arenas Pedroso, Yismari Ramos Tellez, Bobi Céspedes & Ramón Ramos Alayo.
All day event with local master teachers
Performance by Arenas Dance Company and more for workshop participants
Live Event @ Portrero Del Sol Park in SF
$100 for the day includes all activities or $25 drop in per class

Saturday August 21 6pm PT
Mouth of a Shark: Showing of Alayo’s most recent work in progress
Filmed in Santiago de Cuba
Q and A with choreographer and artistic director, Ramón Ramos Alayo.
Zoom event $12

Thursday February 24 6-8pm PT
We Still Here / Nos Tenemos - Film Screening and Q&A
A new documentary film by Eli Jacobs-Fatauzzi in collaboration with Defend Puerto Rico, FistUpTv and Clenched Fist Productions
Bomba Dance Demo by Aguacero
In person event $20
How to sign up:
Please follow these steps to sign up:
Click on artist week you would like to attend (ie: week1, week 2, etc) to Pre-register on zoom
Make a Donation
Receive an email with Zoom link for access
If there any questions or concerns please contact contact@cubacaribe.org